Allergic rhinitis, aka hayfever, is a chronic disorder that has become increasingly common in children, wreaking havoc on not only their physical health but also their mental well-being, school attendance, and academic performance. The symptoms of allergic rhinitis, such as nasal blockade, itching, rhinorrhea, and sneezing, cause significant distraction in the classroom, and uncontrolled symptoms at night can lead to sleep loss and subsequent daytime fatigue, which can further contribute to learning impairment. Additionally, complications from allergic rhinitis, including sinusitis, asthma flare-ups, and eustachian tube dysfunction, can further exacerbate learning difficulties and negatively impact a student's overall well-being. School nurses are at the forefront of addressing this challenge within the school setting, offering critical support and interventions to ensure affected students can thrive academically and socially.
Identifying and Managing Allergic Rhinitis
The first step for school nurses involves diligent assessments of reported symptoms, considering their severity, frequency, and impact on the child's daily life and learning. By recognizing patterns, school nurses can differentiate allergic rhinitis from other conditions with similar symptoms, such as the common cold. While both conditions may cause nasal congestion, sneezing, and runny nose, allergic rhinitis typically includes symptoms like itchy eyes, nose, and throat. Additionally, symptoms of the common cold generally resolve within a week, whereas symptoms of allergic rhinitis tend to persist and recur over time.
Once identified, allergic rhinitis can be managed at school through a multifactorial approach. Effective education is essential for both students exhibiting symptoms and their parents. Whether treating the perennial or seasonal form of allergic rhinitis, allergen avoidance is recommended but not always feasible. For instance, schools can help limit exposure by allowing students to stay indoors when pollen counts are high, encouraging washing of hands after outside play, avoiding clutter, especially from soft toys or furniture in classrooms, and ensuring adequate ventilation and humidity reduction.
Some students may benefit from pharmacotherapy, as directed by their healthcare providers. However, since most school nurses don't stock or have standing orders to administer OTC medications to treat allergic rhinitis, communication with parents (and teachers) is essential. These medications are generally most effective when taken preventatively and consistently, and therefore, not in the school setting. Non-pharmacologic school nurse interventions may include the application of cold compresses for ocular irritation and oral hydration to reduce histamine production in the body.
Promoting Awareness and Collaborative Care
Raising awareness and educating the school community about the impact of allergic rhinitis on students is paramount. By organizing awareness campaigns, teachers and staff can be equipped with the knowledge needed to understand the condition, appreciate the limited interventions available at school, and be aware of accommodations that can help affected students excel academically. Collaboration is key to creating a conducive learning environment. School nurses, in partnership with teachers, parents, and healthcare providers, can establish a supportive network that prioritizes comprehensive care and understanding. This approach can help reduce the impact of allergic rhinitis on school performance and promote the overall well-being and academic success of affected students.