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Field Trip Safety Rx

Field trips are a rite of passage in every student's educational journey, transforming ordinary lessons into extraordinary adventures. However, as students embark on these exciting excursions, the school nurse's role becomes paramount in ensuring their safety and well-being. For students with particular health needs or educational plans, these trips can present unique challenges that require careful planning and collaboration. According to the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (2016), students should not be denied participation in a field trip due to a medical condition, disability, or the need for medication. Furthermore, exclusion from a field trip should not be based on a lack of proper training.

In this blog post, we'll discuss how school nurses can create comprehensive safety policies that align with their scope of practice and comply with state regulations, guaranteeing that field trips are safe and enriching experiences for all students. 

Risk Assessment and Planning

The foundation of any effective field trip safety protocol begins with a thorough risk assessment. School nurses can assist and support this process by:

  • Reviewing student health records to identify potential medical concerns or needs
  • Assessing the destination for health and safety risks
  • Evaluating planned activities for possible injury occurrences
  • Considering environmental factors like weather, terrain, and allergens


Medication Management

In addition to following appropriate state laws on medication administration as well as any specific school or district policies, clear protocols should be established for:

  • Securely transporting and storing medications
  • Documenting medication administration
  • Handling emergency medications like epinephrine auto-injectors and inhalers


In the event of a school-sponsored trip to another state or country, the school nurse must ascertain and adhere to the nursing regulations in the respective state or country. This encompasses understanding delegation procedures and administering "natural" medications. 

Emergency Preparedness

When students embark on field trips outside the usual school environment, it's crucial to make pre-arrangements for accessing emergency medical services in case of unforeseen situations. School policies and procedures for emergency care should include:

  • Creating detailed emergency action plans for students with chronic conditions
  • Obtaining parental consent for emergency medical care during field trips
  • Assembling well-stocked first aid kits tailored to trip activities
  • Establishing clear communication protocols for emergencies
  • Identifying nearby medical facilities at the destination


Staff Training and Collaboration

Effective field trip safety requires a team approach. Working with school staff on advanced preparations, school nurses can help train staff on:

  • Recognizing signs of common medical emergencies
  • Proper use of emergency medications
  • Basic first-aid skills
  • Infection control and hygiene practices


In situations where the school nurse assesses that medical care cannot be delegated safely or legally, they will be responsible for identifying and organizing the necessary nursing staff to accompany the student. 

Field Trip Survival

NASN states, "Equitable, inclusive, and appropriate healthcare for all students while on school-sponsored trips requires school nursing expertise for preparing, planning, educating, and coordinating with staff, families, students, and other healthcare professionals." By proactively addressing health and safety concerns, school nurses can ensure that each excursion inspires curiosity and lifelong learning for every student.

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