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Plusoptix S12C Vision Screener
Plusoptix S12C Vision Screener Plusoptix S12C Vision Screener Plusoptix S12C Vision Screener Plusoptix S12C Vision Screener https://www.youtube.com/embed/_RAQDNxT_oM https://www.youtube.com/embed/uq1CsWiEGtc https://www.youtube.com/embed/9BDvYg4-b6I https://www.youtube.com/embed/c8s90BKG8NQ https://www.youtube.com/embed/g4uw_8kUsPY https://www.youtube.com/embed/EYSfoZo6DwI https://www.youtube.com/embed/zHyY3Ru3Zzc https://player.vimeo.com/video/542136160

Plusoptix S12C Vision Screener

Item Number: Z-14242

Availability: In stock


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Product Description


Plusoptix S12C Vision Screener

Plusoptix vision screeners are designed to screen for refractive error, anisocoria, and strabismus in children starting at age 6 months. Because they are so easy to use, they are used by pediatricians and school nurses alike. Vision screening can be performed on any child because the only compliance needed is a short fixation of the camera. This fixation is provoked by a specially designed sound target, called a “warble” sound.

Includes: Plusoptix S12C vision screener, carrying case, neck strap, 4 GB SD card, 6 rechargeable “AA” batteries, 2 year hassle-free warranty, and a medical power adapter.

Optional extended warranty must be purchased at the time of screener purchase.

Plusoptix is a specialized piece of equipment and is NOT RETURNABLE. Please call 1-800-323-2841 with any questions to assist you in making an informed decision.




Clinical Research

Clinical Research

2020 Evaluation of Portable Vision Screening Instruments



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